Bullying of students and its management
| Dr. Usmonov Jamshid - 03 Feb 2024

Bullying at school is one of those problems that is rarely talked about out loud. Often, older people call it another name, childish teasing. Bullying is a serious issue and it affects children’s psychological.
 It has a significant impact on emotional development.
 What are the motives behind bullying?
 Who is the bully and on what principle do they choose the victim?
 What should we, members of the community, parents and teachers do, so that bullying at school no longer remains a hidden problem? As we know, bullying is long-term physical and psychological violence by one individual or group against another individual or group who cannot defend themselves in a specific situation. It is a form of violence that often it is found among adults.
 First, let’s define who is the bully, the victim, and the witnesses of bullying, and then find possible ways to solve them.
 A bully is a person who tries to physically or emotionally harm another person. A bully is someone who tries to do something wrong to another person, feels bad to push him, shake his hand, hit him, call him a nickname, or make a bad joke about him.
 Such a person harms another person constantly.
 Victim - a person who is the target of bullying and who is being bullied.
 Bystanders of bullying - people who see, hear, and how one student humiliates another.
l An active supporter supports the bully and may turn into a bully himself
l A passive supporter does not openly express support but agrees with Buller.
 I  wonder why bullies are violent.
l We think they have problems at home, driven by envy. or social status be a problem. It is possible that he was a victim of bullying. Have low self-esteem and fail to understand the impact of their actions, or are labeled as a bully.
It would be good if all citizens understood the consequences of bullying, because at this time there is low self-esteem, there is a wave of self-confidence, loneliness - isolation, deterioration of academic performance, feelings of security and mistrust, anxiety, fear, or anger.
 But what does the affected child think at this time?
 He may think that he is smaller than the abuser or may feel left out.
 One may think that no one can help;
there is no one to talk to;
No one can double me;
Often, such a child feels very sad but does not know how to act, or what to do.
 Before we talk about the prevention of bullying and determine the ways to solve it, the question arises:
 Why do children bully their peers?
 Maybe they thought they would win something or get it in their behavior, they want to please their friends or earn their approval;
 They like to appear strong and often don’t realize how much damage they are doing to the other child.
 For the prevention of bullying, it is necessary to create an environment, where a child is protected from stress and strengthen the protective forces.
 Let’s formulate advice that both students and parents, as well as teachers, will take into account.
 What should you do when you see another child being bullied?
 Gather your friends and talk to Buller...
  Explain that what he is doing is not well.
lMake Buller feels that this behavior is unacceptable. Buller may be doing this to get your attention.
Encourage the affected child, to be polite, and friendly towards him.
tell the parent, and teacher, - that this is support, not letting down;
l Help Buller too, make friends and try to make him see that he can have friends without being humiliated and ridiculed.
 In such a case, it is necessary to inform the resource officer or the responsible person, who will find out the situation and, if necessary, redirect the person to the psychosocial service center of the Resource Officer  Service of the LSL educational institution, where qualified psychologists and social workers will provide appropriate services to the, directly and indirectly, involved parties in bullying.
 What should you do if someone is abusing you?
tell someone you trust (teacher, resource officer )
To a parent, or a friend..) Share your feelings and emotions with a friend, a trusted one, or a person.
lNever keep bullying a secret!
try to be surrounded by friends, people who support you.
 Tips for teachers and parents:
 Set specific and strict limits that you will apply if the bullying happens again.
teach children non-violent problem-solving.
Show examples of positive behavior.
 By observing your behavior, the child will learn to be kind and respectful to other people.
lStrengthen control.
 Be close to the child when he is different. It plays with the children.
Encourage his participation in sports competitions, self-creation circles, and extracurricular activities.
 This kind of load will help to spend the excess energy of the child in a civilized way and will significantly reduce his aggressiveness.
 In difficult cases, consult a psychologist.
 Keep calm, and manage the situation.
Take the child’s story about bullying seriously.
Take action as soon as possible.
Support the victim of violence so that he does not end up feeling inadequate.
offer specific help to victims of violence.
 Behave so that the bully understands that you do not like his behavior.
try to see the abuser from the victim’s point of view.
Use sanctions against the abuser, and be careful not to harm the victim.
clearly and clearly explain to the bully why and how he is being punished.
 Let the child know that you will not tolerate his aggressive behavior under any circumstances, regardless of who it is directed at.
We can do everything together.

I am Mariam Mamagulashvili from Georgia, my region is Shida Kartli, Kareli Municipality, Dvani village, which is located on the “border strip” this year. I was born and raised in Tskhinvali, Samachablo, which is now occupied by Russia, and I am displaced. In 1987, I graduated from the fourth secondary school of Tskhinvali. In 1992, the South Ossetian State Institute received the qualification of a primary school teacher. I have been working as a teacher since 1991, I worked for 4 years as a primary school teacher in Takhtidzi village of Kareli municipality. In 1995, I started working at Dvan public school and taught Russian language and literature in primary classes. And then as an art and music teacher. In 2017, I received the right to teach fine and applied arts based on passing. Throughout my teaching career, I enjoyed outstanding trust and authority from the community.

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