21 Century--New challenges in the education system 21st Century
| Maka Sikharulidze - 16 Mar 2023

The pandemic caused by Covid-19 has shown the world and my country once again the importance of having strong online learning platforms. I know all people working in the field of education know that online educational platforms are one of the most important in the world and have a great perspective. The pandemic turned out to be a big challenge, especially for teachers.

My country set foot for all this and today we have the opportunity to develop professionally. We can enrich our professional path by attending and participating in many necessary pieces of training and conferences online. As I mentioned at the beginning, I am always looking for ways to develop professionally, and since my profession is tutoring, it is most important for me to have strong, result-oriented online educational platforms.

And just after the end of the pandemic period, I discovered one of the platforms in the online space of my country, which is an extraordinary guide for any teacher and student. Mrs. Inga Kharchilava, Mrs. Mariam Mamagulashvili and Mr. Kakhaber Chakvetadze and many talented teachers from my country, who are my main motivators, have made the greatest contribution to the continuation of the most important and fruitful successful path after the end of the pandemic period. With the help of this, as a teacher,

I am involved in many necessary educational webinars and conferences. In my country, after the end of the pandemic, some people are at the head of the existence of these extraordinarily necessary platforms and are working very hard for us, the teachers, to have as many educated educators of the next generation as possible in Georgia. Online Learning and Results One of the most responsible challenges for me was "Online Teaching". One of the main difficulties was that it was difficult for me to share my emotions with my students. Without sharing emotions, the lesson is not as interesting as it should be. However, my students and I with their parents stood by each other and overcame it all.

The most positive aspect of this online teaching was that I was able to progress more as a teacher during this period. I registered on several educational platforms and portals. I got acquainted with a lot of materials of teachers with a successful practice. Also, using various online tools, I learned to compile various e-books and a lot of materials needed for my students, which makes my lessons more interesting. 21st-century teacher The modern age demands innovations in the field of education, which are the result of the new vision of the new generation. In my opinion, the teacher of the 21st century is primarily required to have outstanding personal qualities, love for his profession, and high professionalism, these three factors create and unite the real face of the teacher of the 21st century.

Teachers of this age should not be afraid of challenges and should not be afraid of innovations, which are very important for their career and personal growth. The teacher of the 21st century is the best "friend" of the students. He always tries to win their trust and helps to reveal their skills and talents, and their maximum realization. One of the main challenges of the teacher of this century is a very good knowledge of modern technologies and the use of these tools in the learning process.

My school and teaching methods

I am a private tutor and have my little school at home. I always make my lessons interesting and result-oriented. I also try to be a teacher of the 21st century. The most important thing for me is to evaluate my Students' teaching style and the teaching methods used I will customize them as much as possible style. Learning styles can change over time, and I think it is most important for a teacher to possess and use a variety of teaching and learning strategies, which will help him involve students more in the learning process.

I always make my lessons fun, productive, and full of interesting activities. The most important thing for me is the diverse approaches to the lesson. I know today that modern teaching has nothing to do with traditional lessons, which were considered the main type of lessons in the past. A diverse approach makes an impression on a child of any age. In addition to lessons, teachers offer students various activities during one lesson: group work, individual tasks, games, and presentations. With constantly changing activities, they manage to create a working atmosphere in the class.

As a result, the learning process becomes much more interactive and interesting. The most important thing for me is that any child in my class should be positive and result-oriented. He will be happy to receive the knowledge he received from me and this lesson will be an interesting hour in his life that he will never forget

I am Maka Sikharulidze. I am an English teacher/tutor from Georgia. I am an educator, international speaker, and Certified Career counselor. My dream was to be a teacher who loved children very much. I was 17 when I dared to become a teacher for the first time, and since that day this profession has been my favorite activity. I am developing daily and I am in search together with my students. I try to raise a generation that will be proud of their countries. I try to be an exemplary teacher for my talented students and therefore I am always a participant and active listener of various educational webinars and conferences. My main goal is to be a successful teacher of the 21st century and to make any students interested in learning, deepen their knowledge with a friendly and positive attitude, and make them as motivated as possible.

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