Leadership skills
| DR. Stephen Temitope Davidson - 16 May 2023

LEADERSHIP is the action of leading a group of people or an organization.

Everybody was born a leader, the spirit of leadership is inside of you, and followers need leaders.

If you discover what you are carrying, you will be careful of what you feeding yourself with in terms of books, films, music, etc. He who thinks is leading and no one following such a person just taking a walk 

Leadership is about committing yourself to people.

Leadership is someone that declares independence for people.

What is a leader?

Simple explorations of the question, “What is a leader?” include:

A leader is someone who inspires passion and motivation in followers.

A leader is someone with a vision and the path to realizing it.

A leader is someone who ensures their team has support and tools to achieve their goals.

A leader may be any of those things, but a good leader is all three. 

An effective leader has a shared vision aligned with core values and understands what it will take to reach their team goals. They inspire, manage, and support their teams to work creatively and confidently toward that shared vision.

A leader empowers their team members to embrace their unique leadership qualities and act with independently accountable passion. And they inspire and motivate their teams to maintain long-term progress and excitement toward achieving their goals.

What is the role of a leader?

Now you have a better understanding of who a leader is, but might still ask, “What does a leader do?” The age-old answer of “it depends” is pretty relevant here. The specifics of each leader’s role change based on the size of their team, organization, or base. It also depends on their values and goals –– both short and long-term.

In general, the role of a leader is to coach, guide, and inspire others. They motivate teams through challenging times and guide individuals through their career progressions. A leader manages individuals to keep teams aligned and working toward shared goals. They foster a collaborative culture and lead by example.


What does a leader do?

As you can see, a leader has many responsibilities. But they tend to fall into the same three buckets:





A good leader strives to develop their employees and teams through coaching and mentoring. This can be through one-to-one meetings and asynchronous touchpoints. And most of their coaching ladders up into supporting the overall goals of the company.

A great leader will balance both the goals of the employee with those of the organization. Making each individual’s development a symbiotic relationship. Oftentimes the individual’s growth correlates with the company’s growth.


Alongside coaching, leaders also guide their employees. This comes through building and organizing teams, setting goals, devising ways to achieve those goals, and leading employees through the process.

A leader can guide employees through difficult conversations, for example, or various ways to solve problems.


One undervalued role of a leader is to inspire. A great leader can leverage their storytelling, empathy, and communication skills to inspire their employees and key stakeholders.

Whether they are vouching for a direct report’s promotion, pushing back on a strategy, or managing a team who missed its goals inspiring others is a large part of a leader’s role.

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