“Parent Involvement in their Children’s Education”
| Omotola Sobowale - 01 Apr 2023

P.arent Involvement (Meaning)
 It is a cornerstone of a child’s upbringing. It refers to parents’ relationship, commitment, active participation, supervision, and time dedication to their children’s education/performance. Hence, no one is more influential and a role model than parents.  This states their obligatory roles, values, and acceptable customs and traditions to their children on the importance of Education being the best legacy. According to Dohner-Chávez, (2006), “Aside from ethnicity or economic background, parental involvement in children’s education has a profound effect on a child’s academic success” (p.43). Researchers made it known that Educated parents have the right orientation in monitoring their children on academic performance than that non-educated parents. More so, Parents (family) are regarded as the first agent of social institutions that help to nurture and give the right orientation needed for a child’s excellent performance in society. As this is also one of the major contemporary social problems affecting countries. Meanwhile, at this jet age, some countries do not still value “Education”, especially for their Girl Childchildrendren. 
Types of Parents Involvement
 The (Six) 6 major types of Parents’ Involvement in their Child’s Education, are as follows;
1. PARENTING: Parents can show their support for their children’s education by attending school events such as open days, parent-teacher conferences, and school plays.
2. COMMUNICATING: Parents can stay informed about their children’s education by communicating with the school regularly. This can be done through Facebook, email, phone calls, or in-person meetings. Effective communication goes a long way in building cordial relationships.
3. VOLUNTEERING: Parents can contribute to their children’s education by volunteering in the classroom or on a school committee.
4. LEARNING AT HOME: Parents can help their children with homework by providing guidance, support, and encouragement.
5. DECISION MAKING: Parents can have a voice in their children’s education by participating in school decision-making processes, such as serving on a school committee or joining a parent-teacher organization.
 Parents can show their support by participating in fundraisers, attending school events, or becoming a member of the school Parent-Teacher Organization.
Importance of parental involvement in their child’s education
 Children spend the most time with their parents than with their teachers, friends, or other family members. This means they have the greatest influence on children learning. Research has even indicated that parental or family involvement in children’s education is a more accurate predictor of student achievement than social status or family income.
• Absenteeism is reduced – Absences of children from school not only hinder academic performance but also negatively affect children’s social development. Frequent absenteeism causes a decrease in self-efficacy, social awareness, self-management, and students’ growth mindset.
• Children’s behavior is improved- Numerous studies highlight the relationship between parental involvement and disobedience. Little parental involvement will negatively impact a pupil’s self-esteem, attitude toward school, behavior in the classroom, and ability to form relationships with others (peers or teachers).
• Academic performance is high- Academic performance is not solely about students’ intellectual abilities. it compasses their motivation, study habits, self-esteem, and teacher-student relationships, all of which are influenced by parent interaction.
• Communication between teachers and parents is improved – A good relationship between teacher and parent can help the school learn more about the student. This means teachers are better equipped to help pupils achieve their best. When teachers and parents work together, children learning and performances are greatly improved.
• A positive school culture is cultivated –Parenting and good communication between teachers and parents enable parents to develop an appreciation for the challenges faced by teachers. This appreciation and understanding can lead to greater support.
What are the negative effects on children without the caring of their parents?
• Deprived of parental care, they can endure physical, psychological, emotional, and social harm with consequences that last a lifetime.
• Children are also more likely to experience violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
• These children tend to display deficits in cognition, attachment, emotional skills, and social skills.
Barriers / Challenges towards
• Parent Involvement
• Lack of time based on occupation.
• Economic constraints,
• Parental stress/depression levels.
• Lack of support.
• Lack of knowledge, skills, and confidence.
Parental Involvement Benefits on their children’s education.
 Parental involvement has many positive effects on both child and parent. Some of the benefits of parental involvement for children are:          
 A significantly increased cognitive development, an improvement in the child’s motivation, a stronger parent-child relationship, and of course, increased academic achievement.
 Some of the benefits parental involvement has on parents are gaining a more positive attitude about themselves and their parenting skills, increased self-confidence, and increased satisfaction with their children’s school and faculty at the school (Becher, 2001). There are many benefits to parents’ involvement in their elementary school children’s lives, but, possibly the most important benefit is in helping the children’s academic achievement.
Advice to parents.
• Teach your children social skills.
• Spend quality time with your children.
• Be a good role model.
• Praise and encourage your children.
 Provide positive feedback and motivate your children. Good role models in parents, caregivers, and teachers should model and encourage an active lifestyle for children. Praise, reward, and encourage children/adolescents to be active. Being active as a family is a great way to model and encourage physical activity. Spending more time with them by asking “how their day went”, effective communication, visiting their schools during the open day and conferences, continuous coaching, volunteering in the school engagement, and then checking on their books, assignment, and assessment in their respective of their busy schedule or nature of the job.
Therefore, the more involvement of parents in children’s education the higher their performance academically and the lesser their ill behavior. For there is an adage that says “Charity begins at home” and a Bible reference” Train up your child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it” Proverb 22 vs 6.

 I’m a Graduate of Tai Solarin University of Education Izbebu Od, Ogun State Nigeria with upper honors in B.Sc/B.Ed in Sociology in the year 2015. Subsequently, I graduated with my second degree (Masters’s Degree) in Counseling Psychology at Afriford University Cotonou, Republic of Benin in the year 2021.
 I am an Educationist, Psychologist, Sociologist, Leadership, and Development Trainer, and of course Career Enthusiastic.
 Lastly, my ambitious goals as an Educationist are; to assist younger generations to succeed in their endeavors, especially those that have determination. Also to educate parents on the importance of their involvement in their children’s Education.


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