Physically Challenged Students at School Dropout Risk
| Education Jagat - 01 Aug 2020

It has come to notice that children with disabilities are at higher risk of getting dropped out of school due to not being able to cope with the switch to online/digital medium of instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic that has led to the closure of schools.
 The revelation has come in the findings of two surveys conducted by Swabhiman, a community-based organisation, and the Disability Legislation Unit of Eastern India and partner of Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR) working for the rights of disabled people.
 Commenting on the findings, Sruti Mohapatra from Swabhiman said, “An underlying reality was that children from government schools belonged to poor families and a large proportion of them were not users or owners of smartphones which are being used for online education.”
 The surveys found that only 56.5 percent of students were “struggling yet attending classes” irregularly and around 77 percent of students expressed their concern by saying that they would not be able to cope up and fall behind in learning due to their inability to access distance learning methods.

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