Project base teaching
| Marijana Curic - 03 Mar 2022

We prefer project and research classes. After all, it has a  motivating effect on students because it is integrated,  connected,  innovative. Students collaborate more with each other,  exchange ideas, and learn from each other. Applying web tools in different activities inspiring in most cases because they can create and transfer their ideas into digital shape. Working in pairs or small groups further contributes to the development of the working climate, as well as extracurricular classes.
 To interest students in work, I write projects and participate with students at the international level. I see that they look forward to presenting their work. Children often have a  problem with mathematics and are reluctant to learn it. I will present the activities of this year’s eTwinning project  Mathematics Unites  (Seçil Gedik Doğaner, Turkey; Marijana Curić, Croatia)  for whom  I made my second-grade students an interesting math class.
To display the work on numbers, we used the Blendspace web tool, which allows you to display the entire class I/  or more. To develop the skill of calculating and serving four surgeries, the students enjoyed the web tool  99math, which in the students encouraged the competitive spirit and focus on tasks.   The possibilities of Geogebra were joyfully explored through the topic of measurement. They cheerfully and deftly discovered and created lengths,  geometric and free characters,  circles,  poly cuts to raise awareness of the space with the aim of more objectively assessing the lengths that will be worth it to them in getting around in everyday life. To determine the points in the space  - it is also important  - to plan the path from one point to another and the direction of movement... They also applied sailing in the creation of the Christmas tree by writing the lengths on the cut strips.
 They were introduced to coding  (Coding Week ). They deciphered the message with the project name hidden in the spreadsheet,  and then the more complex tasks.
  Outdoor Classroom Day, July 4, November  2021; In the school garden, the students looked for materials by which they could assemble geometric figures on the ground. They used twigs,  wicker,  fallen fruits from shrubs and trees...   And they named the characters by showing them. Another activity  –  They examined each other’s addition and subtraction in a set of numbers up to 100.  
 The described activities were carried out in the first educational period of this school year. 
 In the field of Geometry, we practiced measuring and drawing. After processing the drawing of lengths and measurements we applied the knowledge to the drawing of the Sierpinski triangle, which is created an equilateral triangle. The halves of the sides are determined, and the triangle formed by merging the sides is subtracted from the initial triangle. Three equilateral triangles of twice the length of the sides than the initial one remains; we repeat the procedure with each one. We call the Sierpinski Triangle a set of points that remains when the number of subtractions (iterations) weighs zero.
 My students like very much making different geometrical shapes using different materials. Their imagination and abilities come to the fore. In such tasks, they sort out which shapes they used and how many times or they get the given number of different shapes to use to create a particular task. Then they work on recognizing shapes by marking or coloring them, linking them to suggested images.
 Through these interesting activities, students develop precision, tidiness, knowledge they need in everyday life, and at in same time get acquainted with the material they will learn in future schooling.

I am Marijana Curić, a Primary school teacher from Croatia. I am very active in education, I am the founder and leader of national and international projects, I am a lecturer and I love writing and publishing articles. My hobby is polyphonic singing of traditional and contemporary music. I received Global Teacher Award 2021 in a virtual ceremony on 24th October.


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